In class we talked about the social studies content exam and studied some questions that could possibly be on the test. The professor showed each question and told us to choose our answer in our head, and then she would tell us the right answer and explain why the other answers were wrong. The first question was about demonstrating to the students how the price of gasoline had increased as the uses of gasoline had also increased and what was the best graph to help visualize the concept. The best answer was a bar graph because it showed change over time and in my head that was my answer. The second question was to choose the three main physical processes of the water cycle and the right answer was evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. During this question someone had asked why this wasn't a science question and it was because water is a big part of geography. The third question was about the PRIMARY purpose for the settlement of the first Europeans in the San Francisco Bay Area and a lot of people thought it was because rich oil deposits or gold deposits but the right answer was that the Bay was a natural harbor that protected ships from turbulent weather. This was the right answer because back then their first priority was to be in a natural and safe harbor where goods could be shipped in and out of the region easily and safely. These questions were easy to answer but were tricky, I just think you have to pay close attention to what is asked so that you choose the best answer.
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