Monday, February 3, 2020

Is teaching a political act?

If someone was to ask me this question, I would of probably said no. I would of said no because when I think about the word 'Political' I think government, laws, democracy, etc. but in reality teaching is very political and I learned that from the discussion we had in class. There is a picture that really stood out to me during this discussion and here it is
ILLUSTRATION: Bogota mural
it is a mural with the quote "Ser profe y no luchar es una contradiction pedagogica.", which in english means 'To be a professor and not fight is a pedagogical contradiction. This means so much to me because being a teacher means you fight for your students, and which means you can also fight for DACA students without making them feel any less or criminalizing anyone. As a future bilingual teacher I know I will have students with different situations, stories and I will make sure to fight for their rights because at the end of the day we all have to support each other.

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