Chapter 1
Reading the first chapter allowed me to reflect a lot on the reasons I wanted to become a teacher. Growing up I thought I wanted to become a teacher because of my love for kids, the thought of being able to be the person these kids learn from, the thought of being someone special for these kids fascinated me but in reality it's so much more than that. As a future bilingual teacher I am going to have students from different backgrounds, different stories, not being able to speak English and although teachers aren't supposed to be the ONLY person to deposit these children with all of the knowledge and to help them succeed in school, most of the time we are the only ones they have. I am willing to be there for these kids, do my job and teach them what they need to know. I guess what I am trying to say is that from hearing different experiences from teachers and from my experience learning and studying to be a bilingual teacher, multicultural education will be a hard process but it's not impossible. Once I get to form those relationships with my students, I will then know everything I was studying hard to be was worth it.